Sunday, June 8, 2008

when someone asks about your friend.. :P

the important thing is u can't force ppl to like u, u can't stop them from liking other ppl. it happens, and it happens all the time. u just realize the bigger picture, the role u were supposed to take no matter what role u thought u were supposed to have. even when u thought u made ur self turn out well. u'll just get snubbed in the face. and as a person who has alot of layers, it's even more so. atleast from my experience. everyone has a different experience. mine's just..i dunno, lesser. which pulls me back to why it doesn't matter and why i'm just a coaster and it's all not worth anything. i'm trying to get over it and a lil piece of me dies all the time. but it's ok, i have to trudge on without a hum till time's up. it's better to do it with a hum, it's just mine's broken now, and i dont see any point and i just don't feel it anymore. i'm just subdued. utterly subdued. once in awhile i might get a flash or a lil spark but those are rare.

1 comment:

MarkD60 said...

Don't stop!
I got here from an old link on my blog